Friday, August 28, 2009


Colostrum Powder Drink

New Image ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE is ideal for everyone at every stage in life, and is well known for its benefits to athletes, those with immune disorders and convalescents. Enriched with 1000mg of calcium as well as vitamins and minerals Lifeline truly justifies its name. Each delicious drink made with this product has 2000mg of colostrum.

The specialty of Alpha Lipid Lifeline colostrum
  • Contains antibody (Immunoglobulin) to flight all sorts of bacteria,virus and pathogen infection.
  • Increase body resistance to flight illness.
  • Alpha Lipid Formula - 100% effective and easily absorbed.
  • Contains Natural Vitamin, Mineral, Calcium etc enough for daily needs.
  • Contains Growth Factor important for cell recovery process and anti-aging.
  • Highly suitable for pregnant and breast feeding mothers.
  • Help to reduce body weight, control sugar contents in blood.
  • Help to cure all sorts of diseases such as diabetes, high blood, gout, gastric, hepatitis, blood deficiency, infertility, and sorts of nutrients for the health for humans.