Friday, August 28, 2009


Colostrum Powder Drink

New Image ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE is ideal for everyone at every stage in life, and is well known for its benefits to athletes, those with immune disorders and convalescents. Enriched with 1000mg of calcium as well as vitamins and minerals Lifeline truly justifies its name. Each delicious drink made with this product has 2000mg of colostrum.

The specialty of Alpha Lipid Lifeline colostrum
  • Contains antibody (Immunoglobulin) to flight all sorts of bacteria,virus and pathogen infection.
  • Increase body resistance to flight illness.
  • Alpha Lipid Formula - 100% effective and easily absorbed.
  • Contains Natural Vitamin, Mineral, Calcium etc enough for daily needs.
  • Contains Growth Factor important for cell recovery process and anti-aging.
  • Highly suitable for pregnant and breast feeding mothers.
  • Help to reduce body weight, control sugar contents in blood.
  • Help to cure all sorts of diseases such as diabetes, high blood, gout, gastric, hepatitis, blood deficiency, infertility, and sorts of nutrients for the health for humans.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Nutrients available in Alpha Lipid Lifeline

Vitamin A Good for your eyes.
Vitamin B12 Increase blood, suitable for pregnant mothers.
Vitamin B6 For the nerve system, stiff hands and legs.
Vitamin B1 Helps enhance the functions of B12 and B6.
Vitamin B2 Helps enhance the functions of B12 and B6.
Vitamin B3 Helps enhance the functions of B12 and B6.
Vitamin C For your skin health, suitable for those with skin problems.

Vitamin D For better calcium absorption, without vitamin D the calcium you take will go as waste.
Vitamin E Essential for the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It restores blood flow, is important for tissue recovery. It ensures normal blood clots and enhances healing as well as reduces scars.

Folic Acid Helps in the formation of new red blood cells.
Magnesium Helps to enhance the fuctions of our nerve system and regular heartbeats.
Iron Essential for the body's immunity functions. Lack of iron will result to the body's susceptibility to illnesses.
Sodium Helps to stabilize your blood pressure and nerve system.
Calsium Reduces osteoporosis effects which start at 35 and especially for women undergoing menapaus. Helps to reduce stress.
Potassium Works together with sodium to increase the development of cells and muscles.

Total Immunoglobulin
IgA- Also known as mucus antibody, works to prevent bacteria from infecting our organ. Also helps to produce enough protein for our body.
IgM- This antibody is produced by cell-B and found in our bones, intestines, lungs and works to activate the production of red blood cells. It helps to neutralize the toxins caused by bacteria in our body.
IgE- It functions as peroxide. It protects membrane cells, prevents the growth of harmful cells which lead to diseases, strengthens bones, nerve system and the brain.
IgG- It is the highest composition in the antibody. Helps to activate white blood cells to fight against bacteria especially E-coli.
IgD- Provides heat, enhances calsium absorption and distribution to the bones.
IgFI & IgFIII- gf stimulates skin renewal. Ensures skin's elasticity and fights against fungus, bacteria, virus and pathogen.

Extra Ingredients
Complex Lipid (patented - Unique)- According to research without Lipid Complex, the absorption of colostrums only works up to 20%, the rest of the 80% will be flushed out and vice versa.
Probiotix- Its probiotic nutrients is equivalent to the ones in Yakult.
Prebiotix- Enhances the functions of probiotics.

What Is Alphalipid?

The main ingredient in Alpha Lipid milk is Colostrum. What is colostrum? Colostrum is literally natures first food. It is the pre-milk fluid that all female mammals give to their newborn baby in the first few days after birth. Colostrum is a highly complex cocktail of vital immune and growth factors that a baby needs to protect itself against the diseases it will be exposed to, and assists with the development of the newborn into a strong and healthy adult.Bovine colostrum is ideally suited for human consumption. It contains up to twenty times more immune factors than human colostrum. Perfect combination of immune factors, growth factors, vitamins and minerals that are designed to promote a vibrant, healthy body and an ability to fight off a host of all types of infections.

Alpha 脂奶中的主要成分是初乳。 初乳是什麼? 初乳字面上是性質的第一食品。 這是在所有女性哺乳動物給他們初生嬰兒在出生後首數天的奶液体。 初乳重要的是免疫及增長因素,嬰兒需要保護本身以免暴露疾病,並協助發展成為一個強新生兒與健康成人.Bovine初乳高度複雜雞尾酒適合供人食用。 它包含多達二十倍免疫因素比初乳。 免疫因素、 生長因數、 維生素和旨在促進一個充滿活力、 健康与機構和擊退所有類型感染能力礦物的完美組合

Alpha Lipid Lifeline adalah kolustrum terbaik yang kaya dengan antibodi semulajadi yang dapat meningkatkan sistem daya tahan melawan penyakit. Kolustrum pula adalah susu awal lembu yang terhasil dalam tempoh 48 jam pertama selepas melahirkan anak. Antara komponen penting yang terkandung dalam susu awal ini ialah antibodi,faktor imun,faktor pertumbuhan,mineral dan vitamin yang sememangnya diperlukan dalam tubuh untuk berfungsi dengan baik.

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